Jo Ann Dadisman

 I am Jo Ann Dadisman, a retired West Virginia educator and active storyteller. I realize stories are one of the ways we learn, make connections with the past, and see the similarities we all share. While tales of the Appalachian Region are my favorite, I also share stories from around the world. These work well for schools, libraries, parks, civic group activities, family functions, and just about any spot where folks gather. I love to share folktales, myths and legends, the tales of October, Christmas, Civil War and Coal, plus many more. I am happy to tailor stories to your event. Many of my programs include a bit of song, interplay with the audience and use of a prop or two. When children are in the audience, I include activities that will help them to remember and pass on the story to others. Please contact me to discuss a program for your needs. I also offer writing and storytelling workshops with specific themes.

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A few of my most popular programs include

  • Exploring Regional Folklore: Stories of Mayhem, Murder and Mystery

  • Treking the Coalfields: A Folklorist’s Look at Coal in West Virginia, including “Bad Hair Days and Polio”(a 1st person account of southern WV Coal Camp Life)

  • Mary Lydia Weaver: Daughter and Wife of the Civil War (1st person portrayal)

  • Appalachian Sampler: a eclectic collection of tales, tall tales, poems, snippets of song and more

  • Children’s programs for Summer Reading, festivals and fairs

Call or text at 304.216.3273 or email me at for more information or to get links for my digitalized stories.


Here are a few of the comments from 2019:

“Jo Ann's interactive programs are perfect for public libraries. With Jo Ann's help, kids as young as 2yrs have made stone soup, created a patchwork quilt, and found out just why dogs and cats are not friends! I would recommend her programs to anyone wanting to combine imaginative storytelling and creative play.”
Julie Mike, Branch ManagerFairview Public Library

“Jo Ann is wonderful! Jo Ann regaled our family group, over 20 in number, ages 4 to 74, at our Thanksgiving gathering with very entertaining stories and tales including local lore and stories from around the world mixed in with a bit of poetry. Jo Ann involved the little ones and mesmerized everyone, with her warm, engaging and friendly style. Very enjoyable!”      
Shireen Kirk, family reunion organizer

“Listening to stories of the people in their own backyard made the war [Civil War] come to life…they started discussing the war and its effect on the people and the human element rather than just caring about the “winner.” Thank you so much for making the war come to life.”
Sara Pennington, North Elementary