Teri Lott

When Teri retired from education, she knew she’d have to find an outlet for her gift of gab. Otherwise, she might drive her hubby crazy! A storyteller all her life – just ask her family – Teri embarked on a new career. 

Since then she’s shared her love of stories at festivals, retirement communities, schools, libraries, and other places. Teri shares folktales, humorous tales, seasonal stories, tales with her puppet friends, and personal tales to listeners ages 3 to 103. 

In 2020, Teri started a weekly Facebook presence sharing stories to listeners as far away as India as well as entertaining others through virtual story swaps and concerts offered through Artists Standing Strong Together, The West Virginia Storytelling Guild, and other organizations. So many opportunities, so little time! 

Encouraged by friends and family to publish her stories, Teri finally did! She collected some of her favorite stories and published her first book, Lots of Tales Stories that Grow with Your Children on September 1, 2020. The sequel, Lots of Tales, Too was published on December 1, 2020. 


Enjoy this short video of Teri Lott sharing a folktale, The Three Sneezes, on YouTube.

It would be Teri’s pleasure to share some stories with you. Contact her at: lotts.of.tales@gmail.com. You can also visit her website at: http://lottsoftales.weebly.com