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Guild Meeting and Workshop with Lyn Ford

All events will be held at the Frank and Jane Gabor Folklife Center on the campus of Fairmont State University in Fairmont, WV

Friday Night concert at 7:30 PM with Lyn Ford, James Froemmel, and Stas´ Ziolkowski of the WVSG.
Saturday at 9:00 AM: TELL IT! Developing Language Arts Skills through Interactive Wordplay And Storytelling Experiences with Lynette Ford
Storytelling, as oral communication in a social narrative format, is the foundation for skills in and appreciation of language arts; these skills are essential across curricular studies, as well as for success in lifelong learning and career pursuits. Through interactive story models, group interactions and wordplay, reflection and discussion (as time permits), we will play with the work of nurturing, reinforcing, and creative utilizing effective language arts skills in the classroom. West Virginia Storytelling Guild member Mikalena Zuckett will give a presentation on the Youth, Educators, and Storytellers workshop she attended at the 2015 National Storytelling Network Conference.
See official brochure here!
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