June 2 is a special day for the Guild. We will meet at 10:00 at the Burnsville Library (middle of the state, very near to Flatwoods) for a storyswap. From 10:00-12:00 we will meet privately to discuss our stories, tell with an opportunity for brainstorming and feedback, and work through bumps and bubbles in our story or performance.
At noon we will break for a quick lunch. Bring a bag lunch or something to share. You may bring in drinks if they are in closed containers.
At 12:30 we will have an open telling, with folks having a chance to tell to librarians and the public. If we get enough who want to tell, we will put names in a hat. We will finish up at 2:00 or a bit later.
Following a short break, we will drive to Weston for an early dinner and annual guild meeting. We will be eating at Giovanni‘s restaurant: 451 US-33, Weston, WV 26452. At this time we will award the McWhorter Clock, and conduct the business for the year.
Please let Jo Ann know at joanndadisman@gmail.com if you will be coming for the swap. We want everyone there!!!