A special night of music and stories will be held in historic Kingwood (Preston Co) at the Community Arts Center on July 27. Doors open at 6:45 and the performance begins at 7:00 with the music of the New Diesel Trio, a blues/folksy local band of talented friends. They will weave their magic and prepare for some lying tales of WV (James is our member and a multiple winner of Vandalia's Big Liars) and PA (Kate is also a member of our guild and an award-winning liar of the 3-Rivers Storytelling Festival in Pittsburgh). Please support this late July event in at least one of these ways:
1. Attend the night by ordering a couple of tickets ($10/seat) from Jo Ann, either for yourself or for friends who deserve a gift from you.
2. Share this information with neighbors and family who love storytelling and road trips. Kingwood is just about 20 minutes from the interstate and has much to offer the walker who wants to eat at the historic Inn or stop by Monroe's for an early dinner.
3. Share this information on your social media in a condensed form.