Fruit Flies like a banana... and so it goes.

I look at this blog and say January of 2021? Wait! That was last year!!  What happened to Y2K?

Groucho Marx said, "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana!” My friend from college posts this as a salutation at the end of his emails.This is why we are still friends after 40 years.  Forty years!?  And so it goes. 

When asked to explain what I’ve been doing? I have no explanation. Life does indeed speed up as we slow down until a wide part surrounded by gray hair sits atop of this old head of mine. The lag, the gap, the time warp speed of life’s progression leaves me agog and has me blurt out my only explanation, “‘I’ve been busy!”  Then, like a 9 year old kid, the one hidden inside me, I wait for you to reprimand me for my crazy-lazy explanation.

“What have you been doing Mike?” 

Honesty is always an option I’ve been told and the best excuse I can think of? 

“I was riding my bike to Washington DC.” 

“I painted my house and had to double the effort. The ladder got heavier. It did… really.”

“Well, I also have to paint two houses.”

The truth is that my daughter’s house keeps me busy enough to complain that since retiring, I don’t know where my time goes. (See what I did there? Another attempt at excusing my disappearance.)

I am here now, and it is Spring. That means, put away the snowblower and watch it snow. Try to cut the grass and find out there is no gas. Have a barbeque and use the last of the charcoal. In other words, smile at the many unexpected wonders that pepper each day. There’s a new roof over my head and soon gutters will be installed replacing the old ones. New gutters that will actually remove the flood of water that’s sure to come in the month ahead. Of course first I must paint the fascia board…

Easter has arrived. The frig is full, and company’s coming. Real people will populate our house and, this being Spring, new hope arrives with each story they bring. I am more committed to bringing renewed discipline to my blogging efforts as the stories continue to occur each day faster than you can ask for a pencil to write them down. And, with a painted house and shingled roof, there are fewer excuses. Still, I sit on the porch in the breeze and realize, that ain’t a fan…. it’s the calendar, and that breeze I’m feelin is caused by the years flying by. Enjoy each minute, and keep the ladder out… there’s more to be done.

Onward and upward. 
